Help us grow
We are the local voice of humanism. The group was founded over 50 years ago and is still going strong. You can add your voice and support us by becoming a member of Birmingham Humanists.
Your membership fee goes towards funding the group and helping up put events together. Without the support of our members, we wouldn’t be able to continue.
When you join the group, you’re added to our mailing list. If you’d like to go on the mailing list without becoming a member, then please contact us, either via email or by using the contact form. You can also join the mailing list when you sign up for an event.
You can join us for the first time or renew your membership in this section of our website. You can pay either by Paypal, or by setting up a bank transfer or standing order. It’s better for us if you pay directly from your bank account, as we don’t then have to pay a commission to Paypal.
If you want to pay by Paypal, please click on one of the options below.
If you prefer to pay by bank transfer or standing order, please go to the next page – Sign up via bank payment.