The Enlightenment in Europe, beginning around 300 years ago, was a period of extraordinary change to the political and philosophical landscape ushering in ideas such as liberalism, empirical reasoning, tolerance and personal liberty which form core parts of Western society today.
Today may mark another period of great change with some of these ideas evolving anew or even under threat. In this session, we'll be speculating on ways in which the new forces of the 21st Century such as social media, surges in populism at the ballot box as well as advances and ongoing movements for equality and human rights such as Black Lives Matter might influence the landscape of society in the next 50 years.
We'll be speculating as to ways in which these things might develop as attitudes evolve, discussing ways in which society itself might change and throw up new challenges, and asking what role humanism might play in these processes - with lots of input from you, we hope.